Mobile app used to manage multiple social accounts.
Project Detail
The following table is the detailed list of allblue-all-in-one.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 18 |
Supported screen sizes | [hdpi] |
Minimum SDK Version | 8 |
Activity Count | 7 |
jar files used | ormlite-android-4.42.jar ormlite-core-4.42.jar signpost-commonshttp4- signpost-core- |
Required Permissions | android.permission.INTERNET |
Raw File Names | res\raw\account_api.xml |
Resource Files
There are 8 image files in allblue-all-in-one. The names of the image files are listed as follows.
account_btn_default.png account_btn_pressed.png account_btn_selected.png setting_btn_default.png setting_btn_pressed.png setting_btn_selected.png sina_logo.png twitter_logo.png